Lilleputthammer familiepark Ola med barn
Lilleputthammer familiepark berg- og dalbane
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Lilleputthammer familiepark bompebåt
Lilleputthammer familiepark klatreløype
Lilleputthammer familiepark toget
Lilleputthammer familiepark froskehopp
Lilleputthammer familiepark hoppepute
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Lilleputthammer familiepark teater
Lilleputthammer familiepark pariserhjul

Lilleputthammer family park

Lilleputthammer family park is the small town with the big heart and here the children feel at home!

In Norway's smallest town, children can ride a train, drive cars, boats, take the carousel, Ferris wheel, roller coaster or whiz down in Ola's frog jump. There is also a specially made climbing trail for children, wich has become very popular. This is the amusement park with a focus on the smallest kids! In all the attractions, an adult can join the children, so it feels safe and fun the first time for the little ones. And everyone can join! In high season there are also performances and circuses during the day.


The small town

Lilleputthammer Familiepark in Hafjell is a miniature version of Storgata in Lillehammer in the 1930s, built on a scale of 1: 4. Lilleputthammer Family Park gives a historical look back to the 1930s with the shops, hotels and cafes of the time. There are 44 shops, 2 hotels, 3 cafes, 2 bakeries, police and a cinema. Here you will find everything from J. Bøhmer's Hardware Store and Th. Julins Broderiforretning to Pølsemaker Johansen.

In "Storgata" in Lilleputthammer there are culture houses, playhouses, Ola and Hedda's clubhouse, cinema, ball house, mini putt house and much more. For the houses, 2830 specially made insulated window glass, approx. 1 million moldings and 80,000 roof tiles have been used. In "Kulturhuset" you can read more about the history of Lilleputthammer.